Sunday, June 10, 2012

A perfect start.

Its hard to think that there are only 53 days of Summer. In my case, of freedom. There is a part of me that hates knowing how many days summer holds. I.m constantly worrying about how many days are left before I have to return to school. But for now, i.m trying to enjoy my summer. And its off to a pretty perfect start. I spent the first real day of summer doing all the things summers should hold. Longboarding, swimming, shopping, eating icecream, watching movies and spending quality time with my best friend. A few days later we headed out for our first officaial "summer field trip" (As my mom likes to call them). We gathered some great friends, picnic lunch, tennis shoes and swim suites and headed up to Sedona for the day! What fun we had. We spent the day hiking, having lunch and visiting the famous "Slide Rock". And returned home that night exhausted and satisfied. The rest of my summer days have been filled with friends, late nights, movies, pictures, air conditioning, cupcakes, and lazy days. And i.m loving every single second of it.

We love summer♥
Long boarding.

Me and my girls in Sedona.
We hiked West Fork in Sedona and it was so beautiful.
Love my dear mommy.
Top of the jump.
Cliff jumping (if you can call it that. It wasn.t too big of a drop!) [:
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We also love ice cream.
Very proud of these mint chocolate homemade cupcakes I made the other day! More on these beauties a little later! [:


  1. i enjoyed this. the part about me especially haha jk

  2. I also enjoyed the parts about Brooklynn:) I love your new blog, Ciara! And yes, you are a very happy girl!
